How To Take Your Business Global With Digital Technology

Taking your business global has never been easier.
It took the big industries in the 1950s more than 70 years to take their businesses global.
In reduced to 25 years in 2000s but later to 10 years in 2013.
Today, it can take less than 10 years to take your business global.
In fact, in a single day, you can start taking your business globally.
Can I ask you how long it took Uber and AirBnB to go global?
How about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the likes?
Let’s come home; Africa.
How long did it take Paystack, a payment system in Nigeria to go global?
You can imagine it!
In this book, I am going to share with you four proven secrets everyone, including you, should know about taking business global.
Are you ready?
Going global, in this sense, means taking your business to the international market.
See another definition below:
Before I continue, let me share with you two stories with you.
They Have to do with “Business Without Borders” or going global.
My mentor, Bayo Adeyinka, sold countless copies of his book, 40 Lessons I Learned Along The Way, via Social Media. You can contact him via his Facebook to get copies of his book.
Another mentor of mine, Mrs Helen Oni, has been selling local agric produce at international marketplace online.
Me ‘nko’? (What of me?)
Personally, I have been able to sell copies of my book across the sea starting with social media. Thanks to my Publisher, Tolubooks, for helping out
Aside that, I have business partners abroad and have worked for clients abroad. I can count on and on and on.
This is us going Global.
How were these people able to do it?
That is the same exact strategies I’ll be sharing with you in this book.
No, you can thank me later.
Some of these secrets are not secrets at all and that’s why I said EVERYONE should know.
However, some things would be new to you.
Let’s get started…
..Number One: Social Media
Most people always tell me their businesses are on social media because they have PERSONAL accounts on social media.
Should I tell you the truth?
I will because I love you…
There is a difference between Personal Social Media Account (PSMA) and Business Social Media Account (BSMA).
While the former is the default account you have when you sign up on social media, the latter is the account you create solely for business.
On Facebook, for example, you have a personal account when you sign up. On this account, you cannot boost a post. Only your friends will see it depending on your settings.
From the above account, you can then create a business PAGE where you can boost posts to reach thousands to millions of people.
Let’s look at what Social Media is…
Let me assume you know what Social Media is but you don’t, let me give a little definition.
Social Media are online platforms to network with friends and families. It’s that simple.
Wikipedia defines social media as interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
You might have got this book from a Social Media platform… who knows?
I mean, if you use any of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc, you are on social media.
Of course, Social Media is a platform to connect with people but they are also one of the best online platforms to market your business and take your business global.
All these platforms have their unique ways of being used. For instance, you wouldn’t want to make these 5 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes in your marketing.
The way you position your business on Facebook will be different from Instagram or Twitter or LinkedIn, for example.
That’s where most of my clients gain clarity when I meet with them.
So, to take your business global with Social Media, create a business account on any of the social media that is relevant to your business, promote your business to your target audience and boom, you’re going global.
Before you do this, you need to know your target audience.
You’ll need to know their name, sex, age, location, job, lifestyle, etc.
We call it Customer Avatar or Persona.
Right now, put yourself in your customers’ shoes and write your Customer Avatar.
Aside taking your business global through social media marketing, having your business website is very important. In the next section, you will see why.
Recommended Reading: 4 Powerful Ways To Plan Your Marketing Strategies
Number Two: Website
In the previous section, I discussed why you need to take your business global, shown example of some of those who took their businesses to the global market and narrated timeline of taking business global starting from 1950s.
I also discussed Social Media as one of the secrets you should know about taking your business global.
In this section, I’ll be sharing yet another secret to taking your business global – website.
Social Media is great but it’s limited to taking your business global.
Are you aware of, some times ago, when WhatsApp skipped working for a while? How did you feel? What if all your business has been built on WhatsApp?
If Facebook should shut down today, what will happen to your business?
I hear you say “IMPOSSIBLE!” I hope so too.
More reason, you should start thinking of having a website right away; right now.
I’m not talking about any how website but a website that is recognised by search engines. That’s what we call Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
In this age, if your business is not online, it does not exist.
How do you get a website?
Get a domain name, hosting and then set your website up.
Starting with as low as $60, depending on the type, you can get one website. At GoGlobal Solutions, my company, we set up a standard websites within 3 days.
You can even do it on your own using the most powerful Content Management System (CMS) called WordPress.
To be in control of your website, you should have a self hosted website i.e you pay money to host it and also get a domain.
Domain is the name of your website while hosting is the house; it’s more like a cabinet where all your files are kept.
Having a website means your office is opened 24/7.
In fact, with automation implemented on your website, you can be sleeping while selling.
Another benefit is that, you can outsmart your competitors with your website.
You can even incorporate a blog (we will look at that later) and get your customers to know, like and trust you through content marketing.
With Google Analytics and other tools, you can get to know your customers better and offer them exactly what they need or want.
That’s how powerful having a website is.
Do you want to take your business global?
Get a website today.
Number Three: Blogging
In this section of this book, I’m going to share with you yet another secret – blogging.
You might be wondering why blogging when we already have a website. The simple answer is that a website is different from a blog.
While you can have a blog on a website, you cannot have a website on a blog.
Blog or web log was used in the form of an online diary online until, of course, people found the business side of it.
Blogging is now used to share insights or to educate people on a particular topic or more.
Some people blog for the fun of it too, sharing their life experiences of adventures. Others blog as a business.
You can start blogging now for free by going to or They are free and will remain so, at least, for a very long time.
Setting up a blog on this platforms are as easy as ABC. Go to the websites above now and set up one for free. I created a video about it in our Facebook Community. You can join now and search the group for blogging tutorial.
When you sign up with any of the above, you’ll be giving a free sub-domain and hosting.
Domain is the name or address of your blog while hosting is where your files (e.g Pictures, videos, etc) are kept.
Example of domain name:
Example of sub-domain:
However, if you want people to take you and your blog serious, you’ll need to buy a custom domain name and hosting.
As regards blogging and taking your business global; you need a blog to share expert tips and advice about your niche or your product / services.
By doing so, you make your prospective customers know you, like you and trust you. I shared something similar in a post titled How to Market Your Business With Social Media The Johavah Witness Way. I think you should read that.
That’s what we call Content Marketing (more on this later).
You can write these contents or hire a professional content writer to do that for you.
Aside that blog can make your customers know, like and trust you, you can also make money from blogging.
You can Make money from your blog through Google AdSence, Advertisement, Selling your products or services and affiliate marketing.
Do you have a website? It is not enough. Get a blog today.
There is something that is very important that you need To integrate into your blogging and that is what I’ll discuss in the next section.
Number Four: Email Marketing
So far, in this book, I have discussed 3 secrets you should know on taking your business global using digital technology viz social media, website and blogging.
In this section, I’ll show you yet another secret to taking your business global – Email Marketing.
This is very important in helping your global business grow on automation.
You can integrate email marketing into social media marketing, website and blog.
Email marketing is the use of email software to capture, nature and sell to your prospective buyers.
It is one of the most converting methods of getting high paying clients or customers.
Through email marketing, you take your customers through awareness, engagement and sales.
Interestingly, you don’t always need to be the one sending emails. You can set up a funnel at once that takes care of that for you.
With that, you can go to sleep while you keep getting alerts in your bank account.
Heck! It’s not that simple…
You can use email marketing to build relationships with customers, customer support, deliver receipts, etc.
Some of the companies providing email marketing softwares include mailchimp, aweber, get response and maillite.
Some of them offer FREE packages and then paid packages.
Either way, ensure you integrate email marketing to help your business to truly global.
Number Five: Content Marketing
So far, you’ve learnt how to take your business global using digital technology like social media, website, blog and email marketing.
In this part, I’ll share with you how you can take your business global using another secret everybody should know: Content Marketing.
“Traditional marketing and advertising is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world that you are one.” –Robert Rose
See the difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing.
Content Marketing is the art and science of creating, publishing content and distributing content for a targeted audience in order to acquire, retain and turn prospects to repeat customers.
Content marketing is the new way successful businesses are marketing their businesses today.
You can use content marketing to do the following:
- Attract attention and generate leads
- Expand your customer base
- Generate or increase online sales
- Increase brand awareness of credibility
- Engage an online community of users
- And more.
Content marketing can be distributed via texts, images, audios (e.g podcast) and videos.
Without CONTENT, all other forms of marketing will be worthless. They all need content.
Using content marketing together with other forms of digital marketing, you can reach your target audience globally.
If you cannot curate content, you can hire a content curator / writer to do the job for you.
We have amazing students at GoGlobal who will be ready to help you with content in various niches.
They will help you develop content calendar tailored to your business and help you promote to the right target.
However, if you don’t have budget to hire a content curator, you can do it yourself.
Don’t allow your competitors to outside you, start curating great contents now.
These are 5 out of many ways to take your business global using digital technology.
Remember, to take your business go global with digital technology, you need the have or implement the following:
- Social Media Marketing
- Web Design
- Blogging
- Email Marketing
- Content Marketing
Do you have any questions about taking your business global with digital technology? Let us know in the comments section below.
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